Rogue Rehabilitation + Performance

About Us

Rogue Rehabilitation + Performance is a therapist-owned and operated clinic located in Salt Lake City, Utah, serving personable and top-tier physical therapy services customized to each client’s needs. Unlike the hundreds of physical therapy clinics in Utah, we are a team of athletes that specialize in creating the best treatments for like minded individuals. Our team holds years of experience, working with clients from professional athletes to the everyday runner. At Rogue, we are committed to providing the best physical therapy for your optimal recovery.

We offer a full range of physical therapy treatments including, sports therapy, dry needling, return to sport testing, and more. Rogue Rehab is ready to bring you the pain relief you deserve.

We are excited to introduce our new Gym facility! Physical Therapy goes hand-in-hand with exercise and strengthening so we have created a space that allows us to provide everything you need to optimize your recovery.
Stay tuned for updates regarding our new gym!

We invite you to contact us with any questions via email or phone!